Your Days Working From Home Are Numbered, Say Aussie CEOs

A KPMG survey has forecast a full return to office work within three years. Australia’s CEOs expect 82 per cent of workers to return to working in the office five days a week.

CEOs who responded to the survey cited the need to upskill employees and establish new training standards for AI integration, especially among entry-level roles.

Hear more about Australia’s return to office on today’s headlines from The Briefing, ‘How to delete yourself from the internet’:

Research by KPMG surveyed 1,325 CEOS across the 11 top economies including Australia.

The survey states that CEOs are trying to shake off a “sluggish economy” and business leaders are betting big on AI, focused on bolstering their workforce.

KPMG Australia chief executive Andrew Yates told The Australian, “Many CEOs probably feel that the remote working environment is impacting productivity negatively.”

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78 per cent of those surveyed said they were likely to reward employees who regularly come into the office with raises, promotions or better projects.

However, Yates said while some businesses are mandating full working in office arranges, he predicts most workplaces will be flexible.

“I don’t think we’re going to see a fully back-in-the-office workforce. I think that moment has gone,” Yates said.

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