“Multitask Annastacia!” Gold Coast Mayor Pushes HARD For The Commonwealth Games

Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate joins SeaFM’s Bianca, Ben and Lakey with an update on the Commonwealth Games being held on the Gold Coast. Tom says, “we are games ready” and “even if it’s in 12 months we can put it on, cause there’s nothing to build, we are games ready”.

After the 2018 Commonwealth Games, the Gold Coast economy got a boost of 2.8 billion dollars. Tom has been to the senate for 2 days pushing for the games to be held on the coast however he says, “if they were giving out gold medals, I’d have to say they’ve got to give it to Daniel Andrews for running a mile”. 

Listen to Tom’s plan to get the games to the Gold Coast:

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Listen live to Bianca, Ben and Lakey from 6.00am weekdays on Gold Coast’s 90.9 SeaFM or Download the free LiSTNR app to grab the podcast now.

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