Mr Beast Sydney Opera House

Who Is Mr Beast And Why Has He Taken Over The Sydney Opera House?

Yesterday Youtube superstar Mr Beast shut down the Sydney Opera House to host a luxury car giveaway, as Gen Z subscribers flocked to Australia’s most famous building.

The 26-year-old content creator from Wichita, Kansas has amassed hundreds of millions of followers and is the most-subscribed-to page on YouTube.

He’s best known for putting on his own version of Squid Game and sharing hundreds of thousands of dollars in random giveaways.

Entertainment guru Justin Hill explains Mr Beast and his global impact on The Briefing:

The Briefing host Sacha Barbour Gatt asked, “Gen Z is the big consumer of his content and kind of saying, hey guys, I’ll give you a Lambo if you buy my chocolate. Like surely there have been ethical discussions around that?”

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Entertainment guru Justin Hill said, “It has been controversial because a lot of people have said he’s like pandering or leveraging off people’s poverty.”

“But on the flip side of that, he did a fundraiser where he paid for something like 1000 people to have cataract surgery. He’s helped people out of, you know, hurricane disasters,” Hill said.

Hill said that unlike a lot of content creators, Mr Beast’s videos aren’t about himself or simply about flashing a luxury lifestyle.

“People are finding it difficult to find things wrong with him because he reinvests the money back into what he’s doing, gives it back to people.”

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