A bloke in Canberra has been caught drink driving and blew a blood alcohol reading at nearly nine times the legal limit when breathalysed, as discussed on the Marty Sheargold Show this morning.
The 36-year-old man was pulled over in Strathnairn, a suburb in Belconnen north-west of Canberra, at about 2am on Saturday morning, according to a 9 News report.
The man was breath tested, and allegedly returned an eye-watering reading of .443 — over eight times higher than the legal limit of .05.
A reading of 0.15 is considered to be a high-range blood alcohol concentration according to news.com.au’s report of the same incident — a result which this bloke cleared nearly three times over.
An ACT Police statement said it was one of the highest readings ever seen in the capital territory, and called the blood alcohol level “nearly fatal”.
A reading above 0.40 is considered extremely dangerous, and at 0.50, there is more alcohol in a person’s blood than there is blood.
The bloke copped an immediate 90-day suspension of his licence and will face court at a later date.
“ACT Policing reminds all drivers that impaired driving is one of the ‘fatal five’ causes of deaths on our roads,” the ACT Police said.
“If you are going to drink, please don’t drive.”
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