“Who The F### Is This?” A Hungover Brandon Smith & His Mum Meeting Craig Bellamy For The First Time

Brandon Smith joined Aaron Woods for Footy Talk’s Woodsy’s Club Tour and spilled the beans on when he met with Melbourne Storm’s head of football Frank Ponissi and legendary coach Craig Bellamy… hungover.


“It was pretty nerve racking bro…

“I met them after a long, long night on the piss.”

The Cheese explains that celebratory drinks with his own MOTHER after an under 20s match in Melbourne was the catalyst for a very stressful meeting with his future employers.

“My Mum came to watch that game, I had already signed but I hadn’t met Craig and that.

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“She got a text that night that we’ll go meet up for breaky [with Ponissi & Bellamy].

“I left her behind, I only got home at about 6:30am.

“Breaky was at 7!”

Cheese continues to detail that he actually met the Storm head of football before and didn’t realise who he was.

“I was a little bit scared because I didn’t know who Frank Ponissi was but I saw him out that night!

“And he was having a chat to me and I was like, who the f### is this?”