Turia Pitt Opens Up About How Motherhood Has Changed Her

Images: Turia Pitt Instagram

AUTHOR: Shevonne Hunt

Turia Pitt has run marathons, climbed mountains and survived burns to over 65% of her body. She’s also written a book, started her own running business and competed in Celebrity Apprentice. She’s tough, determined, and resilient.

But even Turia Pitt can feel the pressure of parenting two small boys. 

“It’s relentless… it is a job that you get very little praise or thanks for. I think this is the part that’s bullshit, I think dads get a lot of praise for being a dad but mums; it’s just expected that you’re going to be a domestic goddess.”

When we sat down to chat on my podcast Feed Play Love, Turia spoke about how she handles demanding kids, high expectations and the ever-present pressure of mother guilt.

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“I accept it as part of being a mum that you are going to feel guilty some of the time and that’s okay… I’ve realised that I am caring and compassionate and nurturing. I do love this version of me, I love being a mum and I love how my kids have softened me.”

Take a listen to the full chat below:

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