More Parents Are Choosing To Keep Their Kids Off Socials, New Research Shows

Interacting with social media keeps us part of public conversations, trends and ideas, even for children, but parents are having to decide how much screen time is too much.

New research has revealed parents are looking to delay their children’s entry into the world of social media, but are they fighting a losing battle?

Social media has become entrenched in our society, replacing town squares and the water cooler as places to share thoughts and ideas.

But the internet can be a dangerous place, especially for kids, where predators lurk, scams are rife and content inappropriate for young eyes is readily available.

Ashley Fell from McCrindle Research shares her research on The Briefing:

Researcher Ashley Fell said her studies show an increase in the proportion of parents putting their foot down, particularly among the current generation of young parents.

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The research out today shows more than 70% of parents raising Gen Alpha, kids aged 14 and under, are trying to delay their children from getting on social media for as long as possible.

“It’s definitely a huge challenge for parents to navigate in terms of wanting their children to be a part of the world and current trends so they can talk about it with their friends and not be left out or seen as too conservative,” Fell said,

“But they’re also wanting to protect and shelter them.”

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