Jeremy Buckingham

How Our Cannabis Laws Are Set To Go Up In Smoke

The Legalise Cannabis Party has made a groundbreaking move by introducing a bill to legalise marijuana in the state parliaments of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia.

The Legalise Cannabis Party, which won a record number of seats in recent elections, aims to push for progressive reform on the issue of cannabis in Australia.

On today’s This Arvo In Sydney, we spoke to Jeremy Buckingham, the New South Wales Upper House MP for the Legalise Cannabis Party, to explain the party’s mission to reform cannabis laws. 

Buckingham said that cannabis law reform was long overdue and that responsible adult use of cannabis should be legalised and regulated safely.

About 15 per cent of Australians regularly use cannabis, and it can be done in a safe way by adults,”

Buckingham said.

He said the failure of cannabis prohibition had cost a significant amount of money in law enforcement and court proceedings.

Our proposal is to allow for the possession of small amounts of cannabis, for that to be used personally in the home for a household, or to grow up to six cannabis plants for personal use or for that to be shared,”

he said.

In Australia, medicinal cannabis has been legalised for the last six years. There has also been the decriminalisation of recreational cannabis in the ACT.

I think there’s a lot to learn from the experience in the United States and Canada,”

he added.

I think they have made some mistakes by rushing into a full-scale commercial retail model where you have got advertising. You have got cannabis being produced and manufactured and marketed.”

Hosted by Sacha Barbour, This Arvo in Sydney is a 10 to 12 minute daily news podcast made just for Sydney! Listen now on the Listnr app.