Brisbane Fertility Specialist Says There Has Been A “Real Need” For IVF Funding

Over the weekend, the government has announced a $42.3 million package to publicly fund fertility treatment for Queenslanders who have experienced serious illness. One in six Australian couples go through fertility challenges, but those who have undergone invasive treatments such as chemotherapy are at far higher risk of developing reproductive issues. Stav, Abby & Matt spoke to Dr Devini Ameratunga — a fertility specialist at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, have a listen below…

Brisbane Fertility Specialist Says There Has Been A “Real Need” For IVF Funding

“it’s essentially something we’ve been working on for about 3 years… the Government provides some rebate for (some fertility treatments) but in Queensland we don’t have any statewide stuff. Anyone who has cancer treatment or any other kind of medical condition… there are states in Australia where they can see a fertility specialist and have the discussion and potentially go into a treatment cycle….” Dr. Ameratunga said in regard to this is a huge step forward for the state.

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