Teddy swims bad dreams

Why Teddy Swims Can’t Stand His New Song

Teddy Swims new single Bad Dreams is a certified hit across Australia.

But the Georgia born singer surprisingly reveals to Jimmy & Nath that he actually can’t stand the song!

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Nath from The Jimmy & Nath Show tells Teddy that Sydney loves his new song, Bad Dreams.

“When I’m driving, I can hear Bad Dreams in the cars next to me, with their windows up as well,”

“That’s how loud people are listening to your music in Sydney.” Nath says.

“I’m so grateful to hear that,” Teddy says.

“I’m frankly already sick of that damn song.” He then reveals.

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“But I’m really happy everyone else loves it still.”

Earlier this month, Teddy and his girlfriend Raiche Wright announced they were expecting their first child together.

The boys congratulate Teddy on his exciting news, with Nath asking Teddy whether or not he knows the gender yet.

“Yeah, we found out.” Teddy says to Jimmy & Nath.

“I would like to debut the awesome news on The Jimmy & Nath Show obviously, but I’d have to ask my partner.”

“Happy wife, happy life.” Teddy laughs.

Hear the full interview now on The Jimmy & Nath Show podcast.