Nathan rose reveals near death experience

Nath Roye Reveals He Was Brought Back To Life By His Dad

Nathan Roye from the Jimmy and Nath show reveals his dad brought him back to life after he died as a young child.

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Nath tells the shocking story of how he died as a young child on a Sydney ferry ride.

“The nurses told me I had actually died,” Nath says.

“I was brought back to life by my dad.”

After spending a hot day on the water, Nath suffered intense heat stroke and severe dehydration.

At just three years old, Nath collapsed, where his heart stopped beating.

Reflecting on his shocking near fatal experience, Nath says he doesn’t have a strong memory of the trauma.

His mother Cath told Nath about him dying when Nath got older and could process the event.

Cath told Nath that his father Mick saw the then three year old drop to the floor and went into instant fight or flight mode.

Nath reveals to Jimmy his dad Mick quickly gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation, saving a young Nathan’s life.

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