Harry garside is in love

Harry Garside Debuts New Relationship

Athlete Harry Garside has revealed to Jimmy and Nath he has found love in Paris!

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Earlier this year, Harry Garside told Jimmy and Nath he was a happily single man heading into the Paris 2024 Olympics.

But it seems that has all changed as the athlete has revealed he unexpectedly found love while ironically in the city of love!

“It just sort of happened,” Harry admits.

“It crept up on me.”

Harry explains his new partner is still living over in London but says she is due back in Australia in November.

Harry also reveals that even though the relationship is fresh, he see a long future with her.

“I see a big, big future in that,” Harry says.

“I’m just waiting until she gets back.”

Until Harry Garside’s new love returns though, the olympian is making sure he keeps busy.

“I’m getting sick of my left hand!” Harry Jokes.

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