How To Win With 2DayFM’s ‘Swiftie & Fifty’

Do you want to score yourself tickets to the hottest tour set to arrive in Sydney in 2024… Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour?

But how about making it sweeter… by FIFTY times! You could also score yourself $50,000 as well!

Get all the details on how to win with 2DayFM’s Swiftie & Fifty below…

Here’s How To Win With 2DayFM’s ‘Swiftie & Fifty’

Make sure you’ve downloaded the FREE LiSTNR app and be listening to Hughesy, Ed & Erin from 6am Monday!

Taylor Swift not only gives us great music but also has some sage life advice including this little gem below!

We All Need To Take This Piece Of Life Advice From Taylor Swift