Carrie Reacts to her FOUR SECOND Bluey Appearance

In the most recent episode of animated series Bluey, Carrie Bickmore made her character voiceover debut, in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo, playing Terrier’s Mum.

In response to her 8-word contribution, the Carrie & Tommy Show got executive producer of Bluey, Daley Pearson, on the show and confronted him about whether or not we can expect to see a larger role for Terrier’s Mum in the near future. His response made the aspiring voiceover actress feel less than confident about the possibility of reprising her role..

‘I felt like that was a no’

Hear Carrie’s debut in Bluey, in addition to Daley’s response to her potential return HERE:

…and catch up on even MORE Carrie & Tommy, HERE:

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