In today’s KICPOD episode with Steph Claire Smith & Laura Henshaw, we find out all of the unnecessary purchases Laura’s husband Dalton has made over the years, including a pair of underwear specifically designed to hold a sleep tracking device.
We also hear the useless or overpriced items other people’s partners have bought too, like an $800 text book or a sushi train for $1000! One listener chimed in saying her partner bought a $400 smoke machine and a $600 drone, both of which he has never used, another says her partner is always buying 2 pairs of the same shoes so that one pair can remain clean, and one listener explained that her partner bought both an electric mower and a ride on mower, then after all that decided to pay someone to come and mow the lawn anyway!
Also in today’s episode, Steph & Laura address the conversation that came out of last week’s anti-tanning topic, and give their advice on someone’s wedding related dilemma.
Listen to the ep now!
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