Christian Hull

How A Popular YouTuber Outed Gender Phobic Christian School

Last week, a media firestorm erupted when a Brisbane Christian college emailed a “contract” for all of its 1700 students to sign, stating they would only enrol students on the basis of the gender that corresponds to their biological sex. It also pressured them to denounce homosexuality, comparing it to Beastiality, incest and pedophilia. 

Popular YouTube comedian Christian Hull never considered himself a social activist, but when he heard about the Citipointe College “contract”, he became the loudest voice advocating for its dismissal. 

“They staunchly live by the Bible. It’s very hard to get the Church to change…I think the church doesn’t like the fact that it can’t discriminate against homosexuality and gender identity, and it’s still trying to and I don’t like that it’s illegal now and basically this discrimination bill will allow them to.”

– Christian Hull

Hull led the campaign to have the contract ripped up – pressure from the media and public figures mounted and before the week was out, the college agreed to withdraw it.

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Before the withdrawal of the contract, Citipointe College Principal Pastor Brian Mulheran posted a video that tried to defend it, whilst denying the college was against the LGBTQIA+ community. Image: Citipointe Christian College.

Despite this, Hull says there’s still a long way to go. In response to the controversy, Prime Minister Scott Morrison pledged to re-commit to changing laws that let religious schools try to expel gay or transgender students, but divide within his own party room is complicating the process.

Hull says there’s still a long way to go, and until laws are changed, the Citipointe community will continue to spread gender discrimination and hate under the guise of “Christian teachings”, as they have done for over 40 years.

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