Will Joe Biden’s Presidency Make It Through The Weekend?

US President Joe Biden’s slip of the tongue at this morning’s NATO summit could make or break his political career, as he also faces his first press conference in several months.  

While speaking at the NATO summit, Biden accidentally introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as “President Putin”.

ABC Journalist Matt Bevan, host of American, If You’re Listening, unpacks whether Biden will withdraw on The Briefing:

“He probably thinks that he did a pretty good job,” ABC Journalist Matt Bevan said.

“I don’t think his performance was so bad in this press conference that he’s going to, you know, walk off stage and go actually, yeah, probably best that I don’t continue,” Bevan said.

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“He answered a number of really complex foreign policy questions in a detailed way,” he said.

Since his disastrous performance at the US presidential debate against Donald Trump two weeks ago, the story dominating US politics has been whether 81 year old Joe Biden withdraw from the race.

“But the concern from Democrats is that he’s not the best person to campaign against Donald Trump,” he said.

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