Australia’s Heartland Of Live Sheep Exports Supports Ban

More than 7 in 10 Western Australians want to see an end to live sheep exports by sea, according to new research from RSCPA Australia.

Last year the Federal Government committed to phase out live sheep exports, and RSCPA Chief Science Officer Dr Suzanne Fowler is calling for a date to be set.

“We’re calling on the government to follow through on their commitment,” Fowler said, “For that legislation to be passed during this term of government.”

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The polling also found that almost 9 in 10 Western Australians agreed government should support farmers through the phase out.

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RSPCA CEO Richard Mussell said, “Even in the very historical heartland of live sheep export, the vast majority of Australians are ready to see this cruel practice end.”

The announcement follows news earlier this month that 16,000 sheep and cattle were stranded on a ship off the coast of WA.

Dr Suzanne Fowler explained why the livestock were stranded and the future of live exports on The Briefing:

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