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Australia Records Alarming Illicit Drug Consumption

Australia has recorded the sixth-highest illicit drug consumption from March to May 2022 according to a new report.

The National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program released its later report on Wednesday, also identified Australia had the third highest methylamphetamine consumption per capita compared with 24 other countries.

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Australians’ consumption of cocaine was ranked 18th of 27 countries and MDMA consumption ranked 21st of 27 countries. The drugs’ usage, along with methylamphetamine, fentanyl, MDA and ketamine all increased over the warmer months.

Cannabis usage ranked sixth of 16 countries, and despite being so far up the list, its usage with heroin and oxycodone all decreased.

These numbers were based on wastewater testing at 57 treatment plants from December 2022 to February 2023 in both capital cities and regional locations. It covered a population of 13.9 million Australians.

Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) acting CEO Matthew Rippon said the report’s findings were critical insights on serious and organised criminal involvement in illicit drug trafficking.

“Much of the harm Australians suffer at the hands of organised crime is due to illicit drugs,” he said in the report.

“The ACIC remains committed to working with domestic and international law enforcement and intelligence partners to disrupt and dismantle serious organised criminal networks who continue to supply illicit drugs to Australian markets.”

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Drug use by state/territory

ACT: Ranked second nationally in capital city consumption of heroin and oxycodone

New South Wales: Ranked first nationally in capital city consumption of cocaine, MDMA and nicotine

Northern Territory: Ranked first nationally in capital city consumption of alcohol

Queensland: Ranked second nationally in capital city consumption of fentanyl

South Australia: Ranked first nationally in capital city consumption of methylamphetamine

Tasmania: Ranked first nationally in capital city consumption of cannabis and oxycodone,

Victoria: Ranked first nationally in capital city consumption of heroin and fentanyl

Regional Western Australia: Ranked first nationally in consumption of cannabis and methylamphetamine

The full report can be read at the ACIC website.

For free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drug treatment services call the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015 or access free 24/7 drug and alcohol counselling online

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