Antoinette Lattouf Warns Against Doxing on Both Sides

The Briefing host Antoinette Lattouf says she’s vehemently against doxxing – even when people don’t agree with her.

Speaking to Abbie Chatfield on her podcast “It’s A Lot”, Antionette shared her experiences of being sacked from the ABC, doxing and the perils of talking about Palestine in Australia.

Antionette Lattouf sat down with Abbie Chatfield on It’s A Lot to discuss the impact of doxing on the wider conversation:

‘Doxing’ is publishing private or identifying information online without their consent, typically with malicious intent. It’s something Abbie herself has personally experienced.

“Obviously, with social media, it happens in different ways. And throughout the course of this, I hate to use the word ‘conflict’ because there is such asymmetrical power, but through this latest issue between Gaza and Israel, there have been there have been doxing of social media accounts, doxing of health care professionals who are pro Palestinians,” Antionette explained. 

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Antionette, who was fired from the ABC over a pro-Palestinian Instagram post, says that she is not comfortable with doxing on either side of the Gaza conflict.

“In the most recent case, which has made a lot of headlines, some pro-Palestinian academics, artists and activist published, the names and the details and the workplaces of all 600 members of that Jewish creative said academics, which, to be honest, I’m uncomfortable with. I wouldn’t do it.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced in February that the government was seeking to strengthen laws to combat doxxing.

“Do we need new laws? Or do we need to enforce the existing laws,” Lattouf says. “Or does everyone just need to calm down and take a breath, take a beat, before we react in a knee-jerk?”

You can hear Antionette every week The Briefing podcast.