Dave Hughes Missed out on role in crackerjack

How Dave Hughes Missed Out On The Movie Role Written For Him

Dave ‘Hughesy’ Hughes had a movie role written especially for him, so how did he miss out on getting the part!?

Mick Molloy, creator of the iconic Aussie movie Crackerjack, wrote a role especially for Dave Hughes.

The character was even called Dave, but Hughesy didn’t end up getting the part, instead it went to Samuel Johnson!

Hughesy, Ed and Erin spoke with Samuel to get to the bottom of why he ended up starring in the legendary movie.

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“Mick Molloy really wanted you in the role. He wrote the part for you!” Samuel says.

Samuel explains that Channel Ten bought the rights to the movies TV premiere.

“The head of Channel Ten made it clear to Mick that someone from Channel Ten had to play the role,”

“For political and financial reasons, I played the role.” Samuel says.

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Hughesy wasn’t ‘allowed’ to play the role created for him because he was with the ABC at the time and not from the same network that had the premiere rights.

Crackerjack came out in 2002 and went on to gross over 8 million dollars at the box office and sold hundreds of thousands of DVDs.

The movie has since become a cult classic in Australian comedy.

In an ironic twist, just a year after Crackerjacks premiere, Hughesy started working for Channel Ten on a footy show with none other than Mick Molloy himself.

The world works in mysterious ways!

Ed Kavalee couldn’t resist but to see the humour in the situation.

He tells Hughesy, “mate, you couldn’t even get the role that was written for you!”