Seven years ago, renowned broadcaster and investigative journalist Dr. Norman Swan took a holiday to Italy with his family. His trip took an unexpected turn when his recently married daughter, Anna, suffered a severe head injury while riding her bike without a helmet.
“I do remember looking at the helmets on the wall in the shop and thinking I should get a couple…there’s no excuse I didn’t and I still feel guilt.”
Norman was put to the test as both a parent and a trained doctor as he tried to take care of his daughter in a foreign country.
Even when he came home to Australia, Norman faced challenges, when Anna’s medical support staff had low expectations for her recovery.
Norman told staff that his expectations were that Anna would make a full recovery, telling staff that
“unless you strive for that, I’m really worried about the care she’s going to get at your hospital.”
“No matter what age you are or what age your children are, you are always a parent”
Listen to the full interview with Dr Norman Swan on this week’s episode of Dr Golly and the Experts.
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