Melissa Ambrosini

Melissa Ambrosini Says She Was Thrown Into Parenting

Best-selling author and podcaster Melissa Ambrosini was not thinking about blended families when she met the love of her life. But that became her reality once she married Nick Broadhurst (a founding member of Sneaky Sound System) who already had a son from a previous marriage.

“It’s like you’re thrown into parenting, but [you’re not meant to] parent. It is so contradicting”

Throughout the episode, Melissa candidly discusses the delicate balance of building relationships, setting boundaries, and navigating the differing expectations of step-children, biological parents, and partners. Drawing from her own lessons learned, Melissa says it’s all about finding a rhythm that works for your unique blended family.

Listen to the full interview with Melissa Ambrosini on this week’s episode of Dr Golly and The Experts.

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