Adam is Moving in with Abbie and Here’s How She’s Making Him Pay Rent…

OMG Adam is moving in with Abbie!!! But the question is: Will she uphold her stance on patriarchy and make him pay rent???

In the latest episode of It’s A Lot with Abbie Chatfield Adam joins Abbie for an epic AMA and one of the questions that nosy producer Oscar asked was about rent.

At first, Abbie first said: “I feel weird about making you pay rent”. But then she eventually came up with a HILARIOUS way to settle the bill.

In addition to agreeing that Adam pays for the cleaning and laundry bill, Abbie said “I’m gonna have a wish list on Etsy. Once. Twice a year, Adam gets me a randomised gift from the wish list. How’s that guys?”

We all know how OBSESSED Abbie is with Etsy, right? I mean if you don’t, Abbie’s “Etsy Finds” TikTok series is one rabbit hole to go down:


A rug!!! Moving the cutrent living tolm rug to the bedroom, then the bedrolm rug to the kitchen!! Rug dramas continhe #vintage #moroccanrug #vintagerug #etsy #decor


So, would you ever go for the same arrangement with your partner? Is a barter deal on the table for you?

Check out the full episode of Abbie and Adam to find out- not only about their quirky rent arrangement- but about whether or not they’ll be having kids. You’ll honestly feel like a fly on the wall in this conversation because the two don’t hold back.