What Are The Odds You’ll Be Hit By Falling Space Junk?

Two incidents of falling space junk have been recorded in the last two months – one on a farm in the New South Wales Snowy Mountains and another just metres from villages in South East Asia.  

While it does sound a little crazy, falling space junk is no joke and there is a chance you, or someone you know could be hit.

While chances you’ll be hit by falling space junk were thought to be astronomically low – new estimates say the risks are much higher and they’re only getting worse.  

“The other thing to note is the odds of someone being hit by space junk are only going to get worse,” Cosmos Magazine journalist Matthew Agius said on The Science Briefing.

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“And as more satellites, both commercial and military, are sent into space there’s an estimate now that has been floated.

“In the next decade, there’s a one in 10 chance someone, somewhere on planet Earth is going to be hit.”

Join host Dr Sophie Calabretto Matthew has they further discuss the odds of you, or someone you know, will be hit by falling space junk and who is responsible for the damage caused.

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