Why You Should Be Thinking About Mental Health This ANZAC Day

More than 600 commemorative events are taking place across NSW for ANZAC Day.

However, one aspect not often prioritised on the public holiday is the potentially devastating impacts on our veterans, particularly their mental health.

Adrian Sutter served in the Australian Army from 2006 to 2011 and has experienced and seen the mental health impacts first-hand, leading him to create SWISS 8, a charity that promotes proactive mental health tools.

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In today’s episode of THIS ARVO IN SYDNEY, host Sacha Barbour Gatt spoke to LiSTNR journalist Madeline Palmer about her interview with Sutter on his personal experiences, mental health, and the Anzac spirit.

Sutter first launched SWISS 8 in 2018, followed by an eight-year mental health journey after serving in the army.

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The now 37-year-old also watched many of his mates struggle through the same obstacles and depths of depression, some sadly even taking their own lives,”

Palmer said.

During Sutter’s research, he found that many of them were disconnected, lacking identity purpose and proactive mental health education. 

When I joined the army, I was 20 years old. I wanted to be in the army forever, and I thought that would be my identity and my career for life,”

Sutter said.

Sutter said it was a “great eye-opener”, and the basic training became an essential warm-up for his journey in Afghanistan two years later.

Hosted by Sacha Barbour, This Arvo in Sydney is a 10 to 12 minute daily news podcast made just for Sydney! Listen now on the Listnr app.