Why Baby Boomers Are Divorcing More Than Any Other Generation

Did you know every generation is seeing a decline in divorce rates, except for baby boomers?

Figures released by the Australian Institute of Family Studies last year show more than one-quarter of the 56,244 divorces granted in 2021 involved couples who were married for 20 years or more.

Meanwhile, divorce rates dropped in every age demographic except for all 50+ age groups.

It turns out Hugh Jackman’s split from his wife Deborah Lee Furness of 27 years wasn’t just a flash in the pan and is part of a wider trend.

In Wednesday morning’s episode of The Briefing, Katrina Blowers finds out the why behind boomer break-ups with clinical and counselling psychologist, Elisabeth Shaw from Relationships Australia. 

Amongst more financial equality and shifting societal attitudes about divorce, Shaw believes the uptake is related to a lack of foresight regarding the future.

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“A surprising number of couples don’t ever really talk about their later years and what retirement’s going to look like,” Shaw said.

The clinical psychologist added that those who divorce later in life will often enjoy some time to themselves and if they do decide to repartner, will do so by enter less traditional relationships.

“I think what we’re seeing now is a lot more diversity and possibilities and not a belief that I have to stay with this person and see it out.”

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