What The Atlantic Current Slowdown Means For Australia

There is a critical current in the Atlantic Ocean that regulates the Earth’s climate, but now it is slowing down and could have a disastrous impact on Australia’s habitability.

The current in the Atlantic moves heat, carbon, and nutrients from the tropics, which is cooled and sinks once it reaches the Arctic.

At the same time, meteorologists say there’s a strong chance of another La Nina next season.

Professor Matthew England discusses whether the two weather systems are linked on The Briefing:

Professor Mathew England from the University of NSW joined The Briefing host Simon Beaton to talk about the impact of the slowing current on Australia’s habitability.

“The main thing that the overturning circulation slowdown would do would be to make the top end a lot wetter,” England said.

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England talked about recent monsoon rains off the north Queensland coast, and how the slowing current would cause even more destructive floods.

“For Australia, because that extra warmth skews the odds for flooding rains, but also makes the transmission of tropical diseases, dengue fever malaria more more likely,”

Professor Mathew England said.

“We know that malaria is going to be a threat for Australia at the top end in future, in the future as climate changes.”

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