Refunds for flight delays and cancellations proposed by new charter

The Federal Government released the draft Aviation Customer Rights Draft today, setting out expectations for fair treatment by airlines and airports.

Airline passengers could get full refunds for delays and cancellations under new rights.

Transport Minister Catherine King said the charter is about providing clarity to passengers on their rights.

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“Giving them greater certainty about what they can expect, and where to go if these conditions are not met,” King said.

Under the plan, if a flight is delayed by over 3 hours for reasons such as crewing or maintenance issues, customers can expect a full refund within 14 days.

It would also require airlines to assist customers in re-booking a flight, even if it’s with another airlikne.

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The charter proposes the right to be treated with “dignity and respect’.

It also proposes accurate, fair and timely information and solutions for cancellations, delays, and baggage damage.

“What it will mean for passengers is that you get what you pay for, so either you’re able to enforce your rights to be able to get a refund or actually get the flight that you’ve actually asked for,” King told Seven.

The public, industry and stakeholders are encouraged to give feedback on the draft before submissions close 5pm Friday, February 28th 2025.

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