
Mark McGowan Has Resigned As Premier Of Western Australia

Western Australia premier Mark McGowan has announced he will be stepping down from his position. 

Mark McGowan has resigned from Premier of Western Australia following six years in the position. 

In a press conference on Monday afternoon, the 55-year-old said he is ready to pass the torch. 

Today I’m announcing that I’ll be stepping down as Premier and as Member for Rockingham,

Mark McGowan

“It’s been an honour and a privilege to serve the people of this state and community.”

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The announcement follows an impressive 30-year career in politics. 

McGowan said after reaching a number of goals within his position, he is ready to step down. 

“When I was elected as Premier, I had ambitions for our state,” he said. 

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“I wanted Western Australia to become the strongest or the most successful state in the nation, to become more economically diversified,” he said.

“I stand here today and I know our state is in the position I set out to reach.”

McGowan was well-known for enforcing some of the toughest Covid restrictions in the country, keeping the state locked down from interstate and overseas visitors for an extended period of time. 

McGowan said he “never imagined” he would become the premier of Western Australia. 

“Western Australia has provided me with the opportunity of a lifetime,” he said.

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