Drivers In This Region Are The Best At Obeying School Zone Rules

School zone speed cameras deployed by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Road have detected more than 1300 speeding motorists every month.

Drivers in Far North Queensland are the best behaved when it comes to keeping under the speed limit in school zones.

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It’s been one year since the Queensland State Government switched on the school zone sign cameras.

According to the Department of Transport and Main Roads between August 2023 and June 2024, the far northern region received 297 fines.

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Wide Bay received the most infringement notices in the state, almost 6,000.

Transport Minister Bart Mellish said, “There is simply no excuse for speeding in a school zone.”

“I’m disappointed to see that so many people are still speeding around school zones, in some cases doing more than 30 kilometres over the speed limit,” Mellish said.

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