Should Companies Pay You To Take Leave For Period Pain?

Women and gender diverse people who experience menstruation, endometriosis, IVF treatments, and breast screening receive the same amount of sick leave as everyone else.

There are growing calls for dedicated reproductive health leave to address these needs. But research shows that many women worry they will face discrimination if they request this leave. 

So, should companies pay you to take leave for period pain?

On today’s The Briefing, Bension Siebert is joined in the studio by LiSTNR journalist Loren Howarth to discuss what reproductive health leave is and whether the policy will eventually be introduced into the Fair Work Act.

In Queensland, the government is set to implement a ten-day reproductive leave for public sector workers by September 30.

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However, many women worry about potential discrimination if they take reproductive health leave. 

The 2023 National Women’s Health Survey reports that around 60 per cent of women support additional paid leave, but over three-quarters fear discrimination from their employers.

“It is important to have a palette of things that can work for both the business as well as the employee,” Ms Howarth said.

Experts also suggest increasing public awareness around reproductive health leave, so women in the workplace can take the leave without fear of consequences.

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