Grinspoon Announces New Single, Album, and Australian Tour

Grinspoon has returned with a bang! Their new single, “Unknown Pretenders,” heralds the arrival of their forthcoming album, “whatever, whatever,” set for release on August 9, 2024. Fans can expect a tour that brings the band back to their roots, visiting venues they haven’t played in decades.

A Fresh Start with “Unknown Pretenders”

Frontman Phil Jamieson shares his thoughts on the new single. “Unknown Pretenders was written in the dawning of the pandemic in a small studio in Adelaide, February 2020. It’s a magical riffy song about the end of the world and who will actually survive.”

Phil expressed both excitement and nervousness about releasing new material, stating, “It’s with a curious trepidation but ultimately a feeling of unfulfilled wonderment that we reach into the caverns of our beings for a new journey of recorded endeavours, one which we are proud but tentatively a little scared of releasing.”

Grinspoon’s Enduring Influence

Grinspoon’s influence on the Australian music scene extends far beyond their early success. They have contributed significantly to the evolution of Australian rock music, embracing diverse sounds and influences. The band’s legacy is built on a foundation of creativity and an unwavering commitment to their craft.

Excitement for the Upcoming Tour

The band is gearing up for their “whatever, whenever, wherever” tour, which promises to be a throwback to the early days of touring. Phil shared his excitement, “This thing ain’t for the faint-hearted. We’re really trying to get to as many places as possible, it kind of harks back to the olden days of touring; 4 guys in a van with some guitars. With the release of new music, we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to see Grinners, and we’re going back to some venues we haven’t played in 20 years!”

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Phil added, “To say we’re excited is a massive understatement! Over the last 6 years we have played arenas and stadiums and theaters and whatnot, and it’s all been tremendous and we have loved every minute of it. But there is nothing like the 3-hour drive after a show, the 9am checkout from the hotel, and the first stop to get a chicko roll and strawberry milk – black coffee for me, I am now an adult. These gigs will be madness – sweaty Tuesdays, taking the day off work on a Wednesday, remembering the reason you go to pubs. Our venues are suffering out there in the regions, so we are bringing the show to them. We can’t wait to see you all!”

Stream and Pre-order Now

“Unknown Pretenders” by Grinspoon is out today. Stream now:

“whatever, whatever” releases on August 9, 2024. Pre-order here:

Tickets to the “whatever, whenever, wherever” tour go on sale at 9am (local time) Monday, May 27 from

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