Luke combs australian tour

Luke Combs Teases New Australian Tour

Country music star Luke Combs has teased at a new Australian tour in an interview with Jimmy and Nath.

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“We definitely feel like we have some unfinished business there,” Luke Combs says.

“I’m looking forward to the day!”

Luke Combs released his new single ‘Ain’t No Love in Oklahoma’ in May of this year, along with the announcement of his fifth studio album titled Fathers & Sons.

Jimmy and Nath are both huge fans of Luke and have already listened to the album back to back.

“I’ll be honest, I was listening to the album in the gym and I cried whilst pushing up some dumbbells,” Nath tells Luke.

“Please tell me there were some Luke Combs tears as you were writing these songs?”

“The recording, I think that’s when it kind of hits me,” Luke replies.

“I’ve had to catch myself a time or two for sure.”

Hear Luke Combs’ full interview on your LiSTNR app now.