Candice Warner got candid with Hughesy, Ed & Erin.

The one thing that could have changed Candice Warner’s life

Candice Warner had quite the candid chat with Hughesy, Ed and Erin.

On the Uncut/Off Air podcast, she covered many topics that highlight key moments from her life.

Something that stood tall though was the ONE moment in her life that she would have done different if she had her time over.


I play this back in my mind over and over

Candice Warner – Hughesy, Ed & Erin

It was a well publicised moment at the time the incident occured.

Candice was pictured with NRL star Sonny Bill Williams in a toilet cubicle.

“This was at a time where online was a new thing,” Candice said on 2dayFM’s Hughesy, Ed & Erin.

“The clicks that they (the news websites) were getting, that’s why it just kept going and going and going.

Candice Warner’s book Running Strong is out now.

She recalls the moment in great detail, then reveals the simple action that could have changed it all.

Listen to the full audio above and get some fascinating insight into Candice Warner’s life.

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