In a scandalous Secret Lives of Sydney, a listener reveals her partner and father of her children is in jail, and no one knows!
The listener, who remains anonymous, tells Hughesy, Ed and Erin they’ve been keeping this secret from their family and children for over two years.
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“The kids think daddy’s away for work,” she says.
Our listener says she takes their kids to see him in the jail, and because they’re still young, they’re unaware it’s a prison and just believe that’s where he works.
She reveals the reason she’s been keeping this secret from her family is because she doesn’t want the judgement and pity.
“Coming from a very religious family, I don’t think they’ll take very well to that.”
The listener says it was a violent crime that her partner committed and he still has over a year left of his sentence.
But despite the nature of the crime he has committed, it hasn’t changed the way she feels about him.
“If anything, it makes me feel he has a heart and more morals,” she tells Hughesy, Ed and Erin.
“He was protecting someone.”
While her kids are still young, the listener says she’s confident she can still keep this secret from them but once they start school, she worries they’ll become aware of what jail is.
She says that she has no immediate plans to tell her kids but will have to explain to them later on in life why their father was in jail for over three years.
“When they get older, we can talk to them then.”