Erin Molan's cake was NOT well received!

Erin Molan Makes Cake, Gets Roasted By Celebrity Chefs

Just how bad was Erin’s cake and how hard did she get roasted by celebrity chefs!?

Turns out that Erin does NOT have a knack for baking, according to the opinion of renowned celebrity chefs in Australia and abroad!

On what can only be described as a chaotic segment on Hughesy, Ed & Erin, the cake in question was made to get rid of daughter Eliza’s fear of beaches.

The end result? Well, let’s just say Hughesy didn’t hold back in his feelings. They were’t kind!

A series of celebrity chefs gave Erin feedback after the segment, with some offering a kinder approaches to others.

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Check out who these Celebrity Chefs are and what they said in the hilarious audio below!


The cake was a nice idea!

The plate reflect the ocean, the sponge was the rocks, lego fish fill the water and a fishing rod planted in the sponge to add to the ambience.

The execution? Well, the proof isn’t in the pudding, it’s in the CAKE!

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