married at first sight evelyn rupert

MAFS Evelyn’s Slip-Up That Reveals If She’s Still With Rupert

As Married At First Sight comes to a close, Mike E and Emma caught up with bride Evelyn to chat about all things wedded bliss… or the opposite for some.

Hear her discuss what her Mum thinks about her talking about S-E-X on TV and the moment she reveals accidentally if she and Rupert are still together!

MAFS Evelyn’s Slip-Up That Reveals If She’s Still With Rupert

Evelyn revealed when talking about Rupert, “He’s as graceful with his words as a bull in a china shop…I asked him what he meant and he said he has this big thing with rejection…” when talking about Rupert not even considering moving to Sydney for her she said “you’d need to ask Rupert about that!”

Did you hear about what Evelyn (allegedly) stole from Justin Bieber‘s hotel room? Listen below!

MAFS Evelyn Reveals What She Stole From Justin Bieber’s Suite

Get the juicy details on MAFS Bride Janelle and Jesse hooking up here!

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