gary jubelin
Source: The Fordham Company

What Makes Someone A Psychopath?

Gary Jubelin was a seasoned NSW police homicide detective who sat in the interview room facing murderers, child abductors and rapists on a daily basis. He became famous for leading the William Tyrrell investigation before being booted out of the force for conducting illegal recordings.

His own conviction of course, pales in comparison to the evil criminals he forged a mammoth career tracking down, but it allowed Jubelin a taste of what it feels like on the other side of the law. He’s since gone on to host a top rating podcast I Catch Killers and become a best-selling author – his new book Badness which comes out today exploring the criminal mind via controversial investigation work, befriending violent criminals to understand what makes them bad.

“Bernie Matthews at his worst at one particular point in time, attacked a prison officer and tried to kill him by biting his throat. So we’re talking a serious, bad person. There was another side of Bernie that I found when I sat down and actually got to know him, and I’m happy to say we became quite friendly.”

Gary Jubelin

On today’s Briefing Jubelin gives us a taste of Badness, discussing what makes someone psychopathic, how to spot the signs and the experiences he had befriending criminals like John Killick and Bernie Matthews.

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