Hughesy and Erin revealed the parts of their body they don’t wash in the shower and maybe it’s yuck!
After a segment went to air about a woman who hated dirty dreadlocks, the pair were forced into making a confession.
The medical soap which I use isn’t good for it.
Erin Molan – 2dayFM
Text Trauma is one of our favourite segments on the show.
After this morning’s segment involving a DM slide on Snapchat, the conversation quickly turned to icks.
Turns out Louisa isn’t a fan of dreadlocks, especially when they’re not washed!
It led to one of the all time greatest side conversations of all time.
As she discusses fairly openly in the chat though, Erin’s reason seems more medically focused than hygiene.
Check out the full hilarious clip above as they discuss the bits on their body that get a miss during a shower.
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A warning that this audio may not be suitable for younger audiences.