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“I Think They Expect A Deal Will Get Done For Angus” Ready On The Roosters And Angus Crichton

A deal between Angus Crichton and the Sydney Roosters is looking closer to coming to fruition, with an agreement expected to be reached by the two parties imminently.

Brent Read revealed that Crichton’s agent and the Roosters are looking to sign off on a deal by the end of the week.

“His contract saga sort of dragged on and rolled on for about two or three months now but they expect some form of resolution at the end of this week, there’s a meeting between his agent and the club later in the week.” said Read.

“I think they expect a deal will get done for Angus, so it looks like it’ll be a two year
deal around that $800,000 mark.”

“It’s dragged on a long time and that will obviously have a ripple effect for guys like Sitili Tupouniua who’s out there in the marketplace and been given permission to explore his options.”


Justin Donnelly

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