What Do Astronauts Eat In Space?

How do you sit down for a meal when you’re an astronaut in space?

Well, sitting down for dinner isn’t so easy when you’re floating around a spacecraft. 

Not only is dining quite different in space but the food options for astronauts are much more limited. 

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Meals mostly come in tins, vacuum packs, or protein pastes in squidgy tubes – but these can get boring fast, so researchers are brainstorming other options to keep astronauts and their tummies happy.

“The diets of astronauts are pretty strict and calculated and its actually pretty hard to do – to make sure they have everything they need,” Yazgin said.

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“The other issue is, is that it’s difficult to provide super-duper yummy foods that we know they’re going to enjoy and feel satisfied after they’ve eaten.”

Dr Sophie Calabretto talks to Cosmos Magazine journalist Evrim Yazgin about space food and how long until we can start growing food in space.

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