Bali Bombings

Victims Of Bali Bombings Honoured In Sydney Ceremony

The victims of the Bali Bombings have been honoured in a ceremony in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. 

The ceremony was held for the 21st anniversary of the attacks which killed hundreds of people in 2002. 

The attacks killed 202 people including 88 Australians after two bombs exploded at nightclubs in Kuta, Bali on October 12. 

Thirty-nine Indonesians were also killed during the attacks and hundreds of others were injured.

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The al-Qaeda group Jemaah Islamiyah claimed responsibility for the attacks which became the biggest loss of Australian life at the hands of terrorists. 

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Around 20,000 Australians were estimated to visit Bali every month with the attackers targeting two tourist heavy locations. 

A suicide bomber is believed to have walked into Paddy’s bar before detonating the device while a second bomb was detonated inside a van parked in front of the Sari club.The ceremony saw 88 doves released to mark each Australian victim of the attacks.

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