Have you ever been asked to submit a resume via TikTok? Yes, you read that right, TikTok the social media app.
Hilton Hotels Australasia has announced they will accept TikTok CVs in a bid to stay relevant with Gen Z.
Listen to today’s episode of The Briefing here:
It’s also a way to stop applicants from creating their written resumes with the assistance of ChatGPT.
On today’s episode of The Briefing, Katrina Blowers is joined by creative director Dee Madigan to unpack the new application style.
Madigan said TikTok resumes allow young people who have spent more time on social media to comfortably submit applications, rather than trying to create a CV in a form they are unfamiliar with.
If creating your own digital resume, Madigan provided some tips on how to make yours stand out from other applications.
“Think creatively about the location, so maybe shoot it in front of a hill.
“You know, this is where I’d like to work or something like that, where you can kind of show that you’ve got a little bit of smarts, but not over the top.
“So, the trick in advertising is always, if you’ve got a straight headline, do a wacky visual or box office, or I feel like the same would apply here… do one bit of abstract and just have one tiny little element of something a little bit more interesting.”
To hear what Madigan thinks about TikTok resumes and if they are the new norm or just the current trend, listen to today’s episode of The Briefing.