Teacher’s Pet Killer Awaits Appeal Verdict While Body Remains Missing

Teacher’s Pet killer Chris Dawson faced court last week to appeal his murder conviction. The case prompted new “no body no parole laws”, but his victim’s body still hasn’t been found.

33-year-old Lynette Joy Simms went missing in December 1982.

Chris Dawson was charged in 2018 for murdering his wife after The Teacher’s Pet podcast sparked new research on the case.

The judge found Dawson guilty because he was infatuated with pursuing a teenager who worked as his babysitter.

Journalist Tessa Randello discusses recent updates on The Teacher’s Pet case on The Briefing:

After Dawson was charged, New South Wales and Victoria introduced the “no body, no parole” law, following the footsteps of other Australian states.

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The legislation sees that a convicted murderer will be denied parole until they give the location of their victim’s remains.

Former NSW Police Detective Anthony Macklin told The Briefing podcast journalists that the law helps leverage a convicted murderer to give information on a body.

“That offender still holds the power to manipulate and harass and menace a person,” Macklin said.

“It’s a special kind of torture for the family that are still looking for this person.”

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