Transport Minister Jo Haylen has announced her resignation
Image: ABC News

NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen resigns over car expense scandals

New South Wales Transport Minister Jo Haylen has announced her resignation from the portfolio following a series of car expense controversies. 

The move comes after it was revealed that Haylen had used a taxpayer-funded driver for personal trips, including a winery lunch and taking her child to weekend sports in Sydney.

During a press conference on Tuesday, Haylen confirmed she would step down from her cabinet position but would continue to serve in her local electorate of Summer Hill.  

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She acknowledged using her personal driver was “an error of judgement”.

“My mistakes are now causing the government damage,” Haylen said. 

“I did not break the rules, but I recognise that I have let the public down and I’m very sorry for that,” she said.

NSW Premier Chris Minns had earlier said he would not sack Haylen over the trips, as they were within ministerial rules. 

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Minns defended the decision to use a government driver, noting that the trips were primarily for work-related purposes, with Haylen’s child being dropped off en route to her workplace.

The controversy centred around a 446-kilometre round trip to a Hunter Valley winery over the Australia Day long weekend, which lasted 13 hours. 

Minns defended the use of the taxpayer-funded driver for the lunch, but he acknowledged the public perception issues.

“Based on the information I have, the regulations on government drivers should be changed,” Minns said.

Haylen has promised to repay the $750 cost of the trips, admitting they failed the “pub test”.

“I’ve let the public down, and I’m very sorry for that.”

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