It’s snake season: Here’s what to do if you encounter one

As snake season arrives, Australians are spotting an unusually high number of snakes in suburban areas, raising concerns about safety. 

So, do you know what to do if a snake bites you? 

On this episode of the Briefing Bension Siebert speaks to snake handler Mark Pelley about his own life-threatening experience of getting bitten by a tiger snake, why there are so many snakes around right now, and what to do if you come across one – or if you or a pet is bitten.  

How to survive a snake bite – form a snake catcher  

Pelley, a snake catcher since 2012, explains that the spike in snake sightings is largely due to warming temperatures.

“The weather is warming up, particularly in the southern states of Australia. In winter, especially in colder regions, snakes enter brumation, which is essentially their version of hibernation,” Pelley said.

He recounted the frightening moment he was bitten while attempting to capture a tiger snake.

“I’d had close calls with brown snakes before, but this was my first real snake bite,” he said. “Tiger snake venom is particularly potent, containing neurotoxins that can shut down the brain, myotoxins that affect muscles, and other components that disrupt blood clotting.”

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Following the bite, Pelley quickly realised the severity of the situation. Within minutes, he lost consciousness and was rushed to the hospital.

“I realised what was happening to me. I’d prepared myself for this my whole life. But my biggest fear was for my daughters – I’m a single dad, and no one would be there to look after them if something happened to me. That became my biggest motivation to fight through and recover,” he added.

Pelley advises that if you encounter a snake, it’s crucial to remain calm and avoid approaching it.

“If someone is bitten, call 000 and apply a pressure immobilisation bandage – wrap it firmly around the entire affected limb from the extremity to the top,” he said.

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