Bold Plans To Solve Homelessness In Australia Within A Decade

Homelessness in Australia could end within a decade, Homelessness Australia has said following the release of an ambitious list to tackle the issue.

It claims they would halve homelessness in five years and fix the problem within 10 if 50,000 social and affordable homes are built per year, the Commonwealth Rent Assistance is increased and government services target prevention, rather than symptoms, of homelessness.

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Under the proposed changes, the Commonwealth Rent Assistance would be extended to people on low wages in rental stress.

Currently, the scheme is on available to those who receive income support.

Homelessness Australia CEO Kate Colvin said one in 10 Australians will experience homelessness in their lifetime, with First Nations People facing a rate 10 times more than other Australians.

Based on current trends, the number of households whose housing needs are not being met could rise from 640,000 (present) to 940,000 by 2041 if changes aren’t made.

“The homelessness system is simply not resourced to assist people in need.
The sad reality is that 72,000 people were turned away from homelessness services in 2021-22 alone,” she said.

“Commonwealth Rent Assistance simply hasn’t kept up with the reality of a white hot rental market. Eligibility for it must be expanded beyond those who receive income support.

“We must pivot to preventing people from becoming homeless in the first place. The duty to assist someone at risk of homelessness must be woven through the fabric of all government services.”

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