Australia’s gender gap ranks worst in the world for STEM students

Australia came last on a list of 58 countries participating in an international math and science skills test for having the biggest gender gap.

According to the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), grade 4 and grade 8 boys outperformed girls in both subjects.

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The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study is conducted every four years.

Until 2012, there was little or no gap between girls and boys in maths.

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Glenn Fahey from the Centre for Independent Studies told ABC “In some respect, the chase toward gender equity in STEM and especially in maths has been an expensive and counterproductive venture.”

This is the first TIMSS test where Australia has had a gender gap across both subjects and year levels.

“What would benefit school systems most is to master foundations early in school for all students.” 

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