pink waving happy face

What P!nk Tells Trolls Who Tell Her To ‘Shut Up And Sing’

By Cameron Adams

P!nk is not just an honorary Aussie but an incredible performer and role model. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have people who troll her… sometimes on a daily basis.

In 2022 she tweeted anyone who had problems with the LGBTQIA+ community, who didn’t believe abortion should be legal or was racist should never listen to her music again.

Listen to the full chat with the singer below… (**warning coarse language**)

P!nk Discusses Trolls And How She Claps Back

It caused an online uproar of people telling her musicians should stick to singing and not talk about political issues. Pink believes social media’s algorithms amplify the negative voices.

“All those ignorant f*cks there’s actually less of them they’re just louder and more organised,” Pink told LiSTNR’s Behind the Hits. “There’s more of us. To be honest, there’s more good in the world. I still wholly, wholly subscribe to the idea that there’s more love in the world than hatred, they’re just loud, they’re f*cking loud. And that’s all they have too, that’s their power, that’s all they have, shut up and sing. Well shut up and go do nails. F*ck you. Shut up and go build that house. What are you talking about? What ARE you talking about?”

P!nk’s album Trustfall is out now, her 2024 tour dates are at

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